Document Type : مقالات پژوهشی



The Introduction and Application of MFLQ Method Instead AFLQ Method for Creation of Regional Input - Output Table (a Case Study of Khorasan Razavi)

Ali Azadinejad
Assistant Professor, Ayatollah Haeri Maybod University
Abass Assari Arani
Assistant Professor at Department of Economics, Tarbiat Modares University
Esfandiar Jahangard
Assistant Professor at Department of Economics, Allameh Tabatabaee University

Input - Output Technique with a long history could identify the key sectors of the economics. Identifying the key sector is the engine of development and economic growth due to the unbalanced growth. Application of the Location Quotient Method is the best way to create regional input- output table. The location quotient methods break the national technical coefficients and convert to regional technical coefficient. AFLQ method couldn't adjust the weak sector and this method is incomplete. This paper proposes the better method named MFLQ method. Four weak sector in AFLQ method are key sector but in MFLQ method aren’t; Then MFLQ method is better than AFLQ method.

Keywords: Input- output table, Location Quotient Method, Index of power of Dispersion, Index of Sensitivity of Dispersion

JEL: R12, R15
